Lovlina Borgohain: A Champion’s Training Manual

Tokyo Olympics bronze medalist Lovlina Borgohain. (Photo: Instagram)

Olympic medalist Lovlina Borgohain shares how she prepares for major events.

  • News18.com
  • Last Update:22 February 2022, 09:35 IST
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It goes without saying that boxer Lovlina Borgohain made history after her Olympic medal winning performance at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Borgohain, who is just 24 years old, is currently training for a heavy playing session that is coming soon.

The boxer, who represents Adidas, says training has been easy for her since she won. For those wondering how it’s going, the Olympic medalist revealed in an interview how physical and mental health go a long way in pulling off a match-winning performance.

Here’s the champion explaining her fitness routine in her own words:

mindset of an athlete

  1. The training varied before and after the Olympics. The initial stage is controlling the mental state.
  2. There was a certain passion for the tournament. It took hold of me to such an extent that I began to feel that even if I went out of my training center for something, I would still miss out on training.
  3. But these turned out to be minor things for me as I have suffered a lot in the beginning. After that there was a break with Kovid-19. Add to this the many injuries that we had to bear. These things make you mentally strong.
  4. It instilled discipline in us. Once you are able to control your mind, everything will follow.
  5. People think that discipline is limited to eating habits only. it is not true.


training manual

  1. To free my mind, I initially started training on my own. I set my own workout routine so that I can get used to training for the first few days. It is very important to have free flowing energy. You shouldn’t feel locked inside the gym.
  2. Now we have Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and World Championships. Before the Olympics, when I trained there was a little less stress. I don’t know why, but I feel more independent and confident now.
  3. I train twice a day now. Timings are different, sometimes I start at 7 in the morning otherwise at 9 in the morning. But I train for two hours in the morning and evening.
  4. It’s a mix of strength and cardio.
  5. And then, there’s the diet. Since boxing has weight classes, you can’t eat anything you want. You have to take care of what you eat.


sweating it like a champ

  1. The next most important thing for an athlete like me is protein intake. I usually consume protein after training for recovery.
  2. I always carry a bottle of Electrol powder with me. I think it is very important to have it when you are going through intense training. You sweat a lot when you train so it is important to maintain energy.
  3. For us athletes, blood tests are important as it tells us if there is any deficiency in our body- proteins, vitamins, iron etc. By this we can know what we lack.
  4. I trained at home with gas cylinders and water bottles.


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