Macron: Macron: Putin tells him Russia will not escalate Ukraine crisis – Times of India

Kiev, UK: President of France Emmanuel long sign on english vowel said on Tuesday that the Russian President Vladimir Putin Told him that Moscow would not move forward Ukraine crisis.
Macron also said it would take time to find a diplomatic solution to the escalating tensions, which represent the biggest security crisis between the two countries. Russia and the West since the Cold War.
His comments on the visit to Kiev came after the Kremlin denied reports that he and Putin had struck a deal to defuse the crisis. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that “in the current situation, Moscow and Paris cannot reach any deal.”
Macron meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr zelensky amid growing fears of a Russian invasion. Moscow has amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s borders, but insists it has no plans to strike.
The Kremlin wants guarantees from the West that NATO will not accept Ukraine and other former Soviet countries as members, that it will halt the deployment of weapons there and withdraw its forces from Eastern Europe – demands that the US and NATO be nonstarters. reject as.
At a news conference after meeting with Zelensky, Macron said Putin told him during his more than five-hour session on Monday that “he would not initiate an escalation. I think it’s important.”
According to the French president, Putin also said that there would be no Russian “permanent (military) base” or “deployment” in Belarus, where Russia had sent a large number of troops to war games.
Peskov said that it was everyone’s plan to withdraw Russian troops from Belarus after the maneuver.
Zelensky said he would welcome Putin’s concrete steps for de-escalation, adding that he “doesn’t trust words in general.”
Macron also tried to dash the expectations.
“Let’s not be naive,” he said. “Since the beginning of the crisis, France has not been inclined to exaggerate, but at the same time, I do not think that this crisis can be resolved through discussions in a few hours”
Zelensky described his conversation with Macron as “very helpful”.
“We share a common view with President Macron on the threats and challenges to the security of Ukraine, Europe and the world in general,” Zelensky said.
He said France was providing 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in financial aid to Ukraine and helping to restore the country’s war-ravaged infrastructure.
Western leaders have participated in high-level talks in recent weeks, and more are planned amid the backdrop of military exercises in Russia and Belarus. Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that six large warships were moving from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea for the exercise.
Macron said he did not expect Putin to make any “gestures” on Monday, adding that his aim was “to halt an escalation and open up new perspectives. … That objective has been served.”
Macron said Putin set a “collective net” by initiating the exchange of documents with the US. Moscow presented its demands to Washington in the form of draft agreements that were made public, and insisted on a written response, Which was then leaked.
“In the history of diplomacy, there has never been a crisis that has been resolved by the exchange of letters, which are to be made public later,” he said, so he decided to go directly to Moscow for talks. .
Putin said after the meeting that the US and NATO ignored Moscow’s demands, but indicated he was ready to continue talks. He also reiterated a warning that NATO membership for Ukraine could trigger a war between Russia and the coalition if Kiev tried to retake the Crimean peninsula, which Moscow had captured in 2014.
NATO, US and European leaders rejected demands that challenged NATO core principles, such as closing the door to Ukraine or other countries that could seek membership; But he has offered to discuss other Russian security concerns in Europe.
US President Joe Biden has said there is “no chance of Ukraine entering NATO in the near term,” but he and other coalition members and NATO itself have ruled out Ukraine’s accession in the future.
Biden met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday, who will also visit Kiev and Moscow on February 14-15. He threatened dire consequences if Russia invaded, and Biden vowed that the Nord Stream 2 Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline, completed but not yet operational, would be blocked. Such a move would hurt Russia economically but would also create energy supply problems for Germany.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in an article in the Times of London, also urged allies to finalize heavy economic sanctions that will take effect if Russia enters Ukraine. He said Britain is ready to strengthen NATO forces in Latvia and Estonia as he prepares to meet with the Lithuanian prime minister in London to show support for the Baltic countries.
Johnson said he was looking at sending RAF Typhoon fighters and Royal Navy warships to southeastern Europe. Britain said on Monday it was sending 350 troops to Poland to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank. It has already sent anti-tank weapons to Ukraine.
Romanian Defense Minister Vasile Dinacu said more than 100 US military personnel arrived in Romania in the coming days ahead of the deployment of some 1,000 NATO troops to the country.
US officials have said that about 1,000 coalition troops from Germany will be sent to Romania, which has been a NATO member since 2004. Romania is bordered by Ukraine to the north. About 1,700 American soldiers are also going to Poland from the 82nd Airborne.
US officials have painted the threat of an invasion of Ukraine as imminent – with warnings ridiculing Moscow, accusing Washington of escalating tensions.
Russia and Ukraine have been locked in a bitter conflict since 2014, when Ukraine’s Kremlin-friendly president was ousted, Moscow annexed Crimea and then backed a separatist insurgency in the country’s east. More than 14,000 people have been killed in fighting between Russian-backed rebels and Ukrainian forces.
In 2015, France and Germany helped broker a peace deal, known as the Minsk Agreement, which largely ended hostilities but failed to bring a political solution to the conflict. The Kremlin has repeatedly accused Kiev of sabotaging the deal, and Ukrainian officials in recent weeks said implementing it would hurt Ukraine.
After meeting with Macron, Putin said, without elaboration, that some of the French president’s proposals could serve as a basis for a resolution to the separatist conflict, adding that he was looking forward to talking on the phone after Macron’s visit to Kiev. agreed to.
Peskov said that such a call will happen “in the near future.”
Macron said both Putin and Zelensky confirmed they were ready to implement the Minsk agreements – “the only way to allow peace to be made … and find a lasting political solution.”
Macron also said that advisers to the presidents of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine would meet in Berlin on Thursday to discuss the next steps. “It will take time for the results to come.
Zelensky was silent on where Ukraine stands on implementing the Minsk agreements and whether he assured Macron that Kiev was committed to doing so, saying only that his country viewed Thursday’s meeting “very positively” and Expects a subsequent meeting by the four leaders.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, visiting the front lines in eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region, said she wanted to “get a sense of what it means that we still have war in the middle of Europe.”
Germany has given Ukraine about 1.8 billion euros in aid since 2014, a part of which is fighting and helping the displaced.
