Maharashtra: New Kovid-19 cases fall sharply to 6,436. Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: Maharashtra The state health department said on Monday 6,436 new coronavirus cases were registered, a steep decline of 3,230 from the day before and 24 fresh deaths linked to the infection, while 18,423 more patients were cured.
With these additional cases, the total number of Covid-19 cases rose to 78,10,136, while the death toll rose to 1,43,098, the department said in a bulletin.
According to the bulletin, the number of cured cases in Maharashtra rose to 75,57,034 after 18,423 patients were discharged during the day, taking the state to 1,06,059 active cases.
On Sunday, the state recorded 9,666 cases and 66 deaths. According to the department, so far a total of 3,334 patients are highly contagious. omicron have been found in the state. Of these, 2,023 patients have been discharged after a negative RT PCR test.
The state’s coronavirus mortality rate stands at 1.83 per cent, while the recovery rate is 96.76 per cent, it said.
At present, 6,73,875 people are in home isolation and another 2,383 are in institutional quarantine. With 1,00,124 coronavirus tests conducted in the last 24 hours, the number of samples tested so far in Maharashtra rose to 7,56,55,012, the bulletin said.
Pune administrative region recorded 1,744 new cases, followed by Nashik (1643), Nagpur (1039), Mumbai (730), Aurangabad (464), kolhapur (328), Latur (283) and Akola region (205), it said. Each administrative region consists of several districts.
Of the 24 fresh deaths, 10 were reported in Mumbai region followed by six in Pune region, three in Akola, two in Nagpur and one each in Kolhapur, Latur and Aurangabad regions.
Maharashtra’s coronavirus figures are as follows: positive cases 78,10,136; fresh cases 6,436; death toll 1,43,098; recovery 75,57,034; Active cases 1,06,059, total tests 7,56,55,012.
