Make these changes in your hair care routine to make the color last longer

Some people have a habit of shampooing after coloring their hair.

Sometimes we make some common mistakes while coloring the hair, due to which it tends to fall out in no time.

Who doesn’t want healthy, shiny and bouncy hair? We work very hard to make them look beautiful and hair color is also a part of it. Some of us prefer to do it on our own to save time and money, while others prefer to go to the salon without worrying about the money to get our favorite color on our hair. But sometimes we make some common mistakes while coloring the hair, due to which it falls in no time. Your time and money both get wasted.

Does this happen with you too? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

avoid shampoo

Some people have a habit of shampooing after coloring their hair. In such a situation, the hair cuticles present in your hair are not able to lock the color and soon it starts to fade. Therefore, after coloring the hair, avoid using shampoo for at least 72 hours i.e. 3 days.

wash hair like this

After you color your hair, prefer to wash it with a sulfate-free shampoo. Wash your hair with filtered water to protect the hair from the chlorine present in the water. Avoid washing your hair with hot water. This will remove the moisture of your hair and the hair color will also come off quickly.

use conditioner

Before shampooing, apply conditioner after coloring your hair. This will keep your hair color and hydration.

Avoid using heating tools

After coloring your hair, try to minimize the use of heating devices on your hair to avoid fading the color. Don’t forget to wear a hat or scarf when you go out to protect your hair from the sun’s rays.

(Disclaimer: The information in this article is based on general assumptions. English News 18 does not confirm this. Before applying these, please contact the relevant expert.)

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