Making Mathematics Simple and Entertaining for Students

Samagra Shiksha to organize ‘Magijh Kanitham’ training for government school teachers

To make the subject simple and enjoyable for the students, Samagra Shiksha will organize a virtual training program “Mageej Kanitham” for Mathematics teachers of government schools on January 21 and 22.

The programme, which will cover students of classes VI to VIII, will help teachers use interactive tools and aids to allay fears among students about the subject.

A teacher of a government higher secondary school said that teachers handling mathematics from classes VI to XII have been encouraged to attend the programme.

In addition to the online sessions, there will be a practical session coordinated by a resource person. At the end of this, certificates will be given to the participating teachers, who will also have assignments to complete as a part of the programme.

Presently, teachers handling primary, middle and senior classes of government schools are participating in a series of workshops focused on learning outcomes.
