Mamata stable after fall; doctor issues clarification

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee leaves SSKM Hospital in Kolkata on March 14, 2024.
| Photo Credit: ANI

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who suffered an injury on Thursday, remained stable on Friday and a team of doctors from SSKM Hospital treated her at her Kolkata residence.

However, the doctors who had on Thursday created much political speculation over remarks that the injury to the Chief Minister was due to being pushed from behind, made a U-turn on Friday and said it was a “sensation of pushing from behind which led to the fall”.

Director of the State-run SSKM Hospital, Manimoy Bandyopadhyay on Thursday evening said that the Chief Minister had “a fall within the vicinity of her home due to some push from behind”. The next day, he said that it was a “sensation of push from behind”.

“This is a sensation of pushing from behind which led to the fall. Our job is to treat and we have done that. There was a misinterpretation of what I said last evening,” Dr. Bandyopadhyay told journalists on Friday.

Senior officials of Kolkata Police visited the residence of the Chief Minister but there was no clarity on whether any complaint was lodged in connection with the injury.

Meanwhile, leaders from the Opposition and the Trinamool targeted each other over the incident. BJP MP Dilip Ghosh said that there should be a proper investigation into what happened to the Chief Minister and how she fell. “It is the right of every citizen of Bengal to know what has happened,” he said.

Trinamool demands Suvendu’s apology

Leader of Opposition and BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari allegedly mocked the Chief Minister’s fall, which triggered a strong reaction from Trinamool Congress. “Her head is spinning and she is falling regularly,” Mr. Adhikari said. 

A number of Ministers and leaders of Trinamool demanded an apology from the BJP leader.

“While the entire Bengal prays for Smt. @MamataOfficial’s swift recovery, LoP @SuvenduWB spews derogatory remarks about her health,” Minister Snehasish Chakraborty said, adding “We vehemently condemn his malicious utterances. Is this the behaviour expected of a LoP? We demand an immediate apology!”.