Man lost in Caribbean Sea survived on ketchup and seasoning for 24 days

How long can you survive without proper food? maybe for a few days? After that, your system will slowly start to give up and it will be very difficult for you to survive. But what if we tell you that a man survived for almost a month on just ketchup and condiments? Yes, you read that right. Ketchup and seasonings are essential ingredients to enhance the taste of food and nothing more. However, have you ever thought that both these things are a matter of survival for someone? This heart-wrenching incident will make you think. Recently, a 47-year-old sailor was rescued from the Caribbean Sea after he spent 24 days there with nothing but water. can you believe it

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Elvis Francois from Dominica, according to a nbc news Reportedly, he spent nearly a month lost at sea until he was rescued by an aircraft that saw the word “Help” written on his boat. The report said that in a video released by the Colombian Navy, Elvis described how he spent those challenging days without seeing land for himself or anyone else to talk to or ask for help.

Wonder what he ate and how he managed to live like this? When there was not much around, ketchup and some condiments came to his rescue. Elvis Told, “I have no food. It’s just a bottle of ketchup that was on the boat. Garlic Powder, and Maggi. So, I mixed it with some water.”

Shedding some more light on her experience, she said, “Twenty-four days, no land. No one to talk to. Don’t know what to do. Don’t know where you are. It was rough.” , I lose hope. I think of my family.

elvis was found 120 nautical miles northwest of Puerto Bolivar in the northern department of La Guajira. After being rescued, Elvis was flown to Cartagena for medical care, where officials would help him get back on track. Lad Bible,

Elvis also said that he felt extremely grateful to have been rescued by Caribbean Navy officers, who eventually returned him safely. “At some point, I lost hope and thought about my family, but I thank the Coast Guard. If they weren’t there, I wouldn’t be telling the story.”

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