Mangalorean Prawn Curry: A Quick and Easy South Indian Recipe for Seafood Lovers

What comes to our mind when we think of South Indian food? It’s Idli, Sambar or Dosa, isn’t it!? These delicious dishes are extremely popular all over the world but the truth is that South Indian cuisine is much more than just these dishes! The taste of this dish varies from one coast to another. For example, Mangalore – this coastal city in Karnataka is home to a vibrant and delicious local cuisine. Mangalorean cuisine is filled with the tangy flavor of coconut and the pungency of tamarind, which make the food taste delicious! Today we bring to your plate a quick and easy prawn curry from Mangalore to bring the taste of this city to your plate – Mangalorean Prawn Curry.

read also, Banana Bun, Chicken Ghee Roast and More: 5 Mangalorean Recipes You Must Try at Home

Also known as yeti gassi, this Mangalorean curry is slightly different from other South Indian curries. Coconut milk is used in most of the curries to make a thick and creamy gravy, but in this recipe we make a thick paste of coconut and then add water to make a creamy curry. Thanks to the use of tamarind, this orange shrimp curry has layers of pungency. This earthy and light shrimp curry is super easy to make!

This shrimp curry is delicious!

How to make Mangalorean Prawn Curry | Easy Shrimp Curry Recipe:

First of all, grind dry red chili, grated coconut and tamarind and make a soft paste. Keep it aside. Heat coconut oil in a pan. Add asafoetida and turmeric powder. Now put the cleaned prawns in the pan. When the prawns are half cooked, add ground paste and salt. Mix well so that the prawns get coated in the spices. Pour in water and let the gravy cook for 5-10 minutes. Shrimp curry is ready.

For the Step by Step Recipe for Mangalorean Prawn Curry, click here.

Serve this prawn curry with steamed rice, freshly cooked appam or crispy neer dosa.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it!? Re-create this simple and delicious Mangalorean Prawn Curry and impress your family with your culinary skills. Tell us in the comment section how you liked it!
