Mango-mania is back! How To Ripen Mango And Keep It Fresh For Longer

How often do you cut raw mangoes? If you said “quite a few times,” you’ve come to the right place! Summer is here, and it’s time to eat the “King of Fruits” every day. Readily available (and accessible) throughout the season, the tropical fruit holds a steady position in our kitchen pantries. Mango is best enjoyed when it is sweet, juicy and ripe to perfection. But many times, you end up buying raw vegetables which are still slightly green and tangy. Before you think of discarding them because they are sour, stop! We got you covered here. We bring you some brilliant tips that will help you ripen mangoes naturally at home. But first, let’s learn how to identify ripe mangoes.

Read also: 5 Delicious Raw Mango Recipes From South India

How to tell if a mango is ripe? 5 Tips and Tricks to Pick Ripe Mangoes:

Check Color:

outer skin of a ripe mango Usually there will be a combination of green, yellow and red colors. However, the color may vary depending on the variety of mango you choose. Look for a mango that is bright and brightly colored.

Check persistence:

Press the mango gently with your fingers. If you can do this smoothly, the fruit is ready to eat. But remember, it should not be too soft either. If the mango is firm and hard, it may take some more time to ripen.

Fragrance Check:

A ripe mango will have a sweet, fruity aroma at the end of the stem. If it doesn’t smell, it may not be ripe yet.

texture check:

The skin of a ripe mango should be smooth and slightly soft to the touch. The tougher (and greener) the skin, the longer it will take to cook.

see signs of wrinkles

If the mango has wrinkles or wrinkled skin, it may be overripe and not good to eat. You can either throw it away or make a milkshake and Mango Papad with this.

Read also: This is the world’s most expensive mango variety, selling 2.7 lakhs for Rs 50


How to cook raw mango at home?

Ripening mangoes naturally involves a few easy steps, and can be done at home without the use of any artificial ripening agents. Here are some ways to ripen mangoes naturally:

Keep mangoes at room temperature:

Fruit will ripen naturally at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Mangoes can take several days to ripen, depending on their early ripeness and room temperature.

Put the mangoes in a paper bag:

If you want to speed up the ripening process, add Common in a paper bag. The bag will trap the ethylene gas released by the mangoes, which will help them ripen faster.

Use a Banana or Apple:

Place a ripe banana or apple in a paper bag along with a raw mango. The banana will release more ethylene gas, which will speed up the process.

Wrap the mangoes in a towel:

Wrap each mango individually in a paper towel or newspaper. This will help trap the ethylene gas and also prevent the fruit from spoiling.

Keep mangoes in a warm place:

keeping one raw mango Placing it in a warm area, such as above a refrigerator or near a heat source, can also help speed up the ripening process. However, be careful not to keep it in direct sunlight, as this can cause them to deteriorate.

Now that the mango is ready to savor, you need to store it properly to extend its shelf-life (and freshness). Here, we have compiled a list of important tips to remember while storing mangoes.

Read also: Summer special: Mango sandwiches are the latest trend we can’t wait to try


How To Store Mangoes: 6 Quick Tips To Keep Mangoes Fresh For Longer:


Mangoes should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between 10 to 13 °C to slow down the ripening process and keep the fruit fresh for longer.

paper bag:

Place the wrapped mangoes in a paper bag to absorb the moisture and prevent further ripening of the fruit.

airtight container:

Cut fruit into pieces and store in an airtight container in your refrigerator to prevent contamination and spoilage.


Mangoes can also be frozen for longer shelf life. Cut it into pieces and place it in a freezer-safe bag, then store it in the freezer and use it when needed.

Vinegar Solution:

Using vinegar solution will remove mildew from mango peel. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water, gently wipe the fruit with a soft cloth, rinse and dry completely before storing.

Separation of ripe and unripe mangoes:

To prevent ripe mangoes from spoiling, it is best to store them separately to prevent the ethylene gas produced by ripe mangoes from affecting the unripe mangoes and ripening them too quickly.

conclusion: By adopting these methods, you can enjoy fresh and delicious mangoes at home for a long time. happy summer!