Masaba Gupta gives ‘Aam Shurut’ to promote ‘Masaba Masaba’ Season 2 – View Pic

Seasonal fruits are enjoyable. And, the one that is currently ruling our fruit baskets is the mango. Well, at the same time, we cannot forget that the onset of monsoon is an alarm for all mango lovers. Reason: Soon the time will come when we have to say goodbye to fruit. Therefore, the ultimate goal is to taste them as much as you can. can be added? Looks like fashion designer Masaba Gupta agrees with us here. She likes “a common start to a wonderful day”. Well, we have to give full marks to Masaba for the caption. don’t you think In the picture, Masaba is sitting on a chair with a box full of cut mangoes. The actress has also linked the promotional campaign for the upcoming season of the Netflix series with her foodie story Masaba Masaba started. Well, now, we have more reasons to be excited.

to keep track: Revealed: This comfort food helps get Masaba Gupta back on track; Pic. see

Mangoes rule the summer diet, and now we have more than one reason to eat them. Mangoes are rich in essential nutrients that aid in physical health. these are health facilities You didn’t know about mango. let’s take a look.

Here are 5 health benefits of mango:

1. Helps in Digestion:

Mango can do wonders to help your digestive system work efficiently. Certain enzymes released from mangoes help in breaking down the amount of protein in the body.

2. Boosts Immunity:

happens in common vitamin C, abundant with a variety of other carotenoids. All these nutrients are beneficial in strengthening the immune system and keeping it strong and healthy.

3. Eye Health:

They are also full of vitamin A. Hence, it is one of the favorite fruits for improving eyesight. Night blindness and dry eyes can also be avoided by eating mangoes.

4. Gut Health:

Mango flesh contains prebiotic dietary fiber, which nourishes the good bacteria in the gut. Including mango in your diet can prevent stomach related health issues like asthma, slow metabolism and allergies.

5. Clear Skin:

It is true that mango can cause acne but the story does not end here. Mango is beneficial for skin health in many ways. They are loaded with anti-oxidants that remove all the toxins from the body, giving a glowing skin.

so what are you waiting for? Cut some mangoes and eat them!