Matrimonial ad wants bride with specific bra and waist size draws internet fascination

A matrimonial ad with strange requirements has gone viral online (Representational image)

A matrimonial ad has caught the internet’s ire with its list of strangely specific requirements – including, but not limited to, a woman’s bra, waist and leg size. The ad was posted by a man looking for a bride on a matrimonial site called, and has recently been widely circulated on social media. Leaving the traditional “skinny, fair and tall” for a more specific and equally problematic set of requirements, the man said he was looking for a woman who was “5’2 to 5’6” and “32” B to 32C, size 12 -16 (waist) and size 6-7 (feet).”

If that wasn’t enough, the ad also listed a number of other qualities a lucky bride should have – some of them contradicting each other. The ad specified that she should be conservative but liberal, fun but grounded, and “dress in bed”. The woman should also love dogs and should not have any children and should be between 18 and 26 years of age.

After appearing on Reddit last week, the matrimonial ad has created a lot of buzz online. Reactions ranged from unbelievable to angry. Take a look:

“Is this man a tailor or what?” asked one person in the comments section.

“This guy wants character adaptation, not companionship. Good god,” said another.

“Just give her a Barbie doll set already,” suggested one Reddit user, while another commented: “At 5ft 5 and such a personality, she’d better have Tom Cruise ask for it. “

After the ad went viral on Twitter, BetterHalf.AI said that action has been taken against the user for violating the terms and conditions of the platform. “Necessary action has been taken against the user for violating our User Terms and Conditions,” the matrimonial website said in a tweet on Friday.

Earlier many more bizarre matrimonial ads have gone viral on the internet. In 2020, an ad is looking for a bride who is “not addicted to social media” surfaced online. Recently, a “non-fart, non-burping“Husband turned out to be a prankster.

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