Mattarella: Italy’s Mattarella drops retirement plan, remains as president – Times of India

Rome: President sergio matarella had already signed a lease on a new apartment and called the Packers, making it clear he wanted to leave. quirinale Palais the Minute His seven-year mandate expired on 3 February.
But instead, the 80-year-old matrela Unexpectedly agreed to stay at his place on Saturday and prevent power outages ItalyA party unable to choose an alternative figure capable of securing a majority in parliament.
“I had other plans, but if necessary, I’m on your nature,” MPs quoted the icy-haired Mattarella as saying when they went to his official Quirinale residence to ask him to stay in office. .
A former constitutional judge and one-time centrist lawmaker, Mattarella was initially elected president in 2015, becoming the first head of state from the island of Sicily.
Little known to many Italians, Mattarella had a reputation for being introverted and ascetic, but he was quick on his compatriots with his calm, humble manner and his calm handling of repeated political crises and the COVID-19 health emergency. Won from
On the eve of the parliamentary ballot to find his successor, polls showed that a majority of Italians wanted him to remain.
Mattarella appeared destined for life as a law professor, but plunged into politics after his brother Pierosanti, the then governor of Sicily, was shot. mafia in 1980. One photo shows Mattarella holding her shortly before she died.
Joining the Christian Democrat Party, which his father had helped found, Mattarella was elected to parliament in 1983 and served as Minister of Education, Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister for the next two decades, among other things. .
In his inaugural speech as president in 2015, he promised to fight corruption and help repair Italy’s declining economy, saying he saw himself as an impartial political “referee”.
His refereeing skills have been called upon regularly.
He has overseen the creation of four governments over seven years, including his surprise move last year to convene the former government. European Central Bank President mario dragio To form a government of national unity.
The mild-mannered Sicilian has never been afraid to stand up to its pro-European ideals, threatening to overthrow a proposed government in 2018 after coalition partners put forward a Eurosceptic for the post of economy minister.
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement threatened to impeach Mattarella, but the president persevered and the parties involved eventually backed down.
In many ways he has been a highly traditional president, clinging to the age-old book of delivering speeches, laying wreaths and saluting the national flag.
A little hunchbacked, he is never seen without a tie and jacket and won during the COVID crisis, refusing to jump in the queue when vaccines were issued. Instead, he was photographed at a vaccination clinic, lined up with everyone.
A widower since 2012, Mattarella has two sons and a daughter, who regularly stand by her at major functions.
He has previously said he thinks presidents should serve only one, seven-year terms and it was not immediately clear whether he planned to serve a full second mandate.
his predecessor Giorgio NapolitanoThe only other person to be elected twice, resigned after only two years of his second mandate.
It remains to be seen whether Mattarella plans to leave his new Rome flat, or pay the rent in the hope that he can still move there before several months have passed.
