Meanwhile, the manager wrongly told the female employees, please turn off your mic, because jaan will not control laughter

Meanwhile, the manager told the female employees, please turn off your mic.

The stories that one hears and sees on the internet about people working from home are quite funny and surprising. From mindless desi duties to sneaking around kids and pets, the videos are full of fun.

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This post by Vandana Jain is one of those funny incidents. A 28-year-old woman was walking to a wrong side of the house and was consuming bitter gourd. But little did he know that his laptop microphone was on and the sound of his entire team’s dinner was coming through.

Vandana came to know about this when her manager commented on the group chat. And his message will make you think too.

The post got over 3 lakh views and got the full stuff. People can’t stop laughing at this mistake. Many people wrote that they too faced a similar situation. Some used memes to express their views about the post.

Now, we don’t know whether or not Vandana got into trouble for making a mistake while having a quick breakfast, but we are sure that her teammates had a good laugh from the incident.

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