Meet three brothers from Odisha who spend Rs 12,000 a month on 250 pet pigeons

He has collected more than 250 pigeons from different parts of the country.

Mahesh, Shankar and Jitendra Sahu of Dhenkanal, who run tiffin stalls, have 15 species of pigeons as pets.

  • Last Update:November 07, 2021, 18:44 IST
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We all love our pets, but three brothers from Odisha have taken their devotion to another level by spending 10-12 thousand rupees per month on their animal friends. Their objects of affection – pigeons – have made a special home for them. 15 species of pigeons live in the house of Mahesh, Shankar and Jitendra Sahu of Mahabir Bazar in Dhenkanal. Mahesh said, “I have a soft spot for birds. We have collected over 250 pigeons from different parts of the country.” The brothers run a tiffin stall in the city. “We have brought pigeons from Mumbai, Chhattisgarh and other places. Our family members did not like that we collect the birds initially, but they have now come and help us in taking care of the birds,” Shankar he said.

The birds roam the sky after having their meal, and return when Mahesh whistles a special signal.

Mahesh has been collecting birds since 1998. His father Premanand Sahu said: “We did not like spending so much money on birds in the initial days. However, we too gradually fell in love with birds.”

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