Mentalist Sunali Shah is all set to enthrall Bangaloreans

Suhani Shah, who is touted as India’s first female mentalist, will perform in Bengaluru this weekend as part of her silver jubilee celebrations in the field of magic.

Suhani Shah, who is touted as India’s first female mentalist, will perform in Bengaluru this weekend as part of her silver jubilee celebrations in the field of magic.

Suhani Shah has broken stereotypes, for which she thanks her parents. “I didn’t go to school or get a degree because I didn’t want to be a doctor or an engineer, but a magician,” says Suhani.

“I was six years old when I saw a magic show. I was charmed and told my parents that I wanted to be a magician, no matter what. They supported my dream.” It took him 11 months to find a teacher. “We had no internet and no one was willing to share their tricks.” Suhani did her first stage show at the age of seven and completed 25 years in the world of magic this year.

It is to celebrate her silver jubilee that Suhani is on a pan-India tour and will perform in Bengaluru on October 7, 8 and 9. The show will involve magic, illusion and mentality. “Magic is a performing art and mindfulness, illusion, street magic are sub-genres. Every illusionist and mind-maker is a magician but not every magician is an illusionist or mind-maker. Mindfulness is where you use props.” Rather, work with the audience and their mind.

Suhani, who is said to be India’s only female mentalist, says every show is a celebration of her making a mark in the male-dominated field. “Magic doesn’t work with technology but with that drive within you.” Suhani says the biggest challenge is being able to perform despite personal problems. “It is also difficult to maintain one’s mental state and not drift into the world of illusion itself.”

Suhani was affected by the pandemic like all the actors, but she didn’t let it depress her. She kept her mind active by starting a YouTube channel and creating mind games. That was when Netflix India approached him and he was commissioned to start a game show, This is nothing.

About her show in Bangalore, Suhani says that she is coming up with something special. “It is like a huge drama, full of drama, lights and emotions. This show is to let the world know that Indian magicians are no less than anyone else and they too deserve applause. It’s also a way of asking women to come into this field.”

Suhani does not believe that magic should be taught. “It is a mysterious art form and I believe this secret should be kept. People can learn from the internet, but I think it is a journey that only progresses when it is self-taught. “

Show & Venue Details

October 7: Sindhi High School Auditorium, 8.30 pm

October 8: Jagriti Theatre, 7.30 pm

October 9: Mother Thekla Auditorium, Ashok Nagar, 7 pm

Tickets are available at