Minecraft takes learning to new heights with NASA’s Artemis Moon mission

The US space agency, NASA, has announced that children using Microsoft’s game-based learning platform, Minecraft, can now simulate building and launching a rocket to the Moon, similar to the real-life Artemis team.

Development “minecraft artemis mission“Aimed to engage students ages eight and older in NASA’s upcoming human spaceflight efforts, and inspire them to consider future careers as astronauts or scientists.

NASA Says That In These Newly Evolved Minecraft Worlds, Gamers Can Replicate The Actions Of The Real One NASA The Artemis team is working to bring humans back to the moon. This includes building and launching a rocket, as well as piloting their Orion spacecraft.

According to NASA’s statement, in addition to building and launching a rocket and maneuvering an Orion spacecraft, kids can also build their own team as well as set up a lunar base within the Minecraft Artemis Missions platform.

this collaboration between minecraft And NASA is a component of an ongoing partnership between Microsoft and NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement.

“NASA is committed to inspiring the Artemis Generation to engage the widest possible audience and prepare itself for future missions,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson was quoted as saying in the statement.

Two new immersive Minecraft worlds have been created based on the upcoming real-world Artemis mission, which aims to establish a long-term human presence on the Moon with an astronaut crew including the first woman and person of color.

In the “Artemis: Rocket Build” mission on Minecraft, students will have the opportunity to learn the basics of rocket engineering and mechanics as they build and launch their own rocket.

The next mission, titled “Return to the Moon,” will require students to use their coding skills to program the Orion spacecraft and guide it to a successful Moon landing.

The “Artemis: Rocket Build” mission can be accessed for free on both the Minecraft Marketplace and Minecraft Education. However, “Artemis: Return to the Moon” and “Artemis: Moon Base” are only available on Minecraft Education.

The Minecraft Artemis mission is strategically designed to engage the Artemis generation of students as NASA’s Artemis era unfolds.

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