Mint Explainer: What is behind the sudden resignation of New Zealand PM Ardern?

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that she will step down from her country’s top post. She leaves office as a figure recognized globally for her early success in combating the Covid outbreak and her accessible political style. However, his policy record paints a mixed picture. Mint breaks down his tenure and what happened in his departure:

On 19 January, Ardern shocked her country and the world by announcing her resignation as Prime Minister of New Zealand. After nearly six years at the helm of her country, Ardern admitted she had “not enough left in the tank” and could not continue.

It has been a challenging tenure to say the least. Ardern took office in 2017 and became the world’s youngest female head of state at just 37. They were also emphasized on the world stage following the Christchurch terrorist attacks, the need for an international response with global partners.

Ardern also had to handle New Zealand’s foreign policy during difficult times. Ardern has also tried to maintain good relations with Beijing while remaining a staunch ally of the US. It turned out to be a difficult balancing act.

At home and abroad, his political style attracted much attention. Ardern, who has placed a premium on “kindness” in public life, was seen by many as a sympathetic leader in a time of crisis. She also became only the second female leader to give birth in office.

While his international fame grew greatly, it began to falter at home. Despite a landslide election victory in 2020, a succession of crises such as the pandemic and the Ukraine war stifled Ardern’s major reform agenda in office. Ardern acknowledged as much, candidly admitting in her resignation speech that her government had spent more time reacting to crises than governing.

High inflation, falling economic growth rates, and growing concern about the national crime rate contributed to the declining popularity of his government. Over two years, his party’s popularity steadily declined from its December 2020 high.

At the time of Ardern’s resignation, her party was 4 percentage points behind the opposition National Party in national polls. With national elections due in October this year, Ardern decided to step down. Ardern said she is not resigning because she is afraid of losing the election.

World leaders such as Antony Albanese of Australia and Justin Trudeau of Canada praised Ardern’s tenure in office following her decision to step down.

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