Mira Kapoor woos Ishaan Khatter with this delicious treat on his return home

Mira Kapoor is back home in Mumbai with her husband Shahid Kapoor after a quiet getaway to an undisclosed location in the hills. The 27-year-old gained a bit of weight as a result of this birthday getaway, but she had no regrets about the ‘highly-deserved’ break. She wrote on Instagram, “I may be up a few kilos but I feel very light in my head and heart.” Recently, she shared a picture of a delicious treat she had on her return, tagging and teasing actor Ishaan Khatter. Have a look:

(Also read: )

“Ishaan Khatter, I am back,” she wrote in the caption of the story. In the click, we could see some delicious puff pastries filled with sweet pistachios and nuts. The sweet looked similar to the Middle Eastern sweet baklava. Mira Kapoor It looked like she was teasing her brother-in-law Ishaan Khattar with the delicious treat, which she ate on her return to Mumbai.

Mira Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter share a lot of camaraderie on social media. The two often reply to each other’s Instagram AMAs and also comment on posts. We have also found proof of their shared love coffee, as we can see in the post on his Instagram timeline. While Mira Kapoor wore a T-shirt emblazoned with a hilarious quote about coffee, Ishaan Khatter shared his go-to coffee recipe. Have a look:

We would love to see how Ishaan Khatter reacts to this Meera Kapoor’Fascinating Instagram story! What did you think of these celebrity food diaries? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.


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