Mitigating the crisis: on the COP26 Glasgow climate conference

COP can best encourage adaptation that aids in the transition to clean energy

In a week, Glasgow is expected to host at least 120 heads of state 26th meeting of the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP). The annual two-week long exercise was interrupted last year due to COVID-19. The year 2020 was to be an important year in the COP calendar as most major economies were expected to review the work done so far to meet voluntary targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 2015 Paris Agreement. However, the disruption means that these discussions will now go on in Glasgow. Following Former US President Donald Trump pulls out of Paris AgreementThe Biden administration is making a concerted effort to commemorate the country’s return. To this end, it has sent envoys and several delegations to several countries to commit them to some sort of time frame, or ‘net zero’ timeline, of when their emissions will peak and eventually end.

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, net zero emissions This would need to be achieved by 2050 and a drastic reduction in emissions of at least 45% from 2010 levels by 2030. India and China are the world’s major emitters that have not committed to any 2050 deadline. His argument, which has been consistent for many years, is that the climate crisis exists because of more than a century’s worth of emissions by the developed West. Any attempt to resolve the crisis would involve Western countries doing far beyond their commitment and, at least, fulfilling promises already contained in previous editions of the COP. As years of COP negotiations have shown, progress is glacial and rests more on delivering a headline announcement rather than the actual operation of the steps to be taken. In real terms, for developed countries, compliance with a demand by developing countries to pay compensation is unlikely to pass domestic political muster. And for developing countries, the call for ‘Net Zero’ means governments like India will appear steeped in international bullying. The COP, regardless of all the media interest that it generates, may at best encourage adaptations that aid the transition to clean energy. But even without immediately depleting the wealth of fossil fuels, the world needs to devise a meaningful response to a warming world.


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