Modi gave all-accessible, all-inclusive government in 8 years: Amit Shah

Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Thursday that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Delivered an all inclusive and accessible government in the last eight years. Taking a dig at the erstwhile UPA government at the Centre, Shah alleged that there was “policy paralysis” when there were several scams.

“In eight years, PM Narendra Modi gave the country a ‘sarv touchy, sarva inclusive’ government. There is no area where improvements have not taken place. We have taken an oath for the welfare of the entire society.” Shah, who also holds the Department of Cooperation, was speaking at the ‘Sankalp Se Siddhi’ program organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry here to commemorate 75 years of Indian independence.

In an apparent reference to the then Congress-led UPA government, Shah said, “There was a time before 2014 when the prime minister was not considered as prime minister because every minister believed that he was the prime minister. was a minister”. “There was a policy paralysis in the country and there were scams (worth Rs 12 lakh crore). These scams used to make daily headlines of the newspapers. The Union Minister alleged that the CVC, CBI and Supreme Court used to investigate these irregularities.

Shah also claimed that crony capitalism and price rise was at its peak and Ease of Doing Business hit rock bottom then. The fiscal deficit was also high. “These developments led the country to a unanimous decision to set up a Modi government with a majority. After a long period of 30 years, the country has decided to form a decisive government,” he said of the BJP’s victory in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. India Now is the fastest growing country and we have successfully implemented Goods and Services Tax (GST). Shah pointed out that maximum exports and foreign direct investment happened in 2022.

The Home Minister said that India has set its economic target by launching two slogans – ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) and ‘Make in India’ and has laid the foundation of ‘Amrit Kaal’ (Platinum Era), which is the next 25 years, When the country completes 100 years of its independence. I can say with confidence that no one can take India lightly now. The Home Minister said that in the next 25 years, who will not recognize the growing power of India.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, everyone was directionless and worried, as there was no vaccine available. The lockdown affected not only the Indian but also the global economy, severely impacting the supply chain, Shah recalled. Amidst the pandemic, India presented itself as a model. Economists around the world recommended increased demand, announced bigger packages and printed more currency notes, but India adopted a new policy.

He said India tried to come up with a remedy for the pandemic and encouraged an indigenously developed vaccine to help the society recover from the economic slowdown. Instead of announcing the package and printing currency notes, India focused on its policies, Shah said, adding that economists across the world acknowledged that the Indian economy was the first to successfully emerge from the effects of the pandemic. The Home Minister also claimed that India saved its Medium Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) by giving working capital of Rs 6 lakh crore.

The central government also provided free ration for 2 years to 80 crore poor and marginalized people and started Direct Benefit Transfer scheme so that people can feel safe. We identified five organs to focus on – economy, infrastructure, systematic reforms in the system, demography and, demand and supply to tackle COVID. I am glad that this policy of Prime Minister Modi helped India overcome the pandemic, Shah said.

Shah said that no one had thought that India with 1.3 billion population would ever be able to manage Covid with such ease. He said that the big economies also failed to manage the pandemic like India. We vaccinated over 100 crore people and the world didn’t know about it. The Home Minister said there was no mismanagement as technology was used brilliantly, which no single country had ever done.

The Home Minister said that emphasis was laid on 14 Production Linked Incentive (PLI) sectors like Automobiles, Auto Components so that they do not work separately. He said that the emphasis on PLI scheme is a step towards self-reliant India and is a major component of Make in India. India was a strange nation, with 130 crore people, but the market was only for a population of 800 million as the rest of them did not have the purchasing power. Their priority was only to look after their families, Shah told the gathering.

The Home Minister said that after the central government took care of basic needs like water, electricity, toilets, direct benefit transfer to farmers, 2.57 crore houses to the population, health insurance to five crore people and 43 crore bank accounts in every household. Under 300 different schemes, Rs 23 lakh crore was given to the people and Rs 23 lakh crore was given to the poor. He said that the Narendra Modi-led government has given a human face to the economy. We have not made GDP dry, but have given it a human face.” Shah advised the industry to focus on changing the scale instead of increasing the pace. In this regard, he asked to speed up research and development.

Capital may be an issue but you can promote R&D through a consortium. Indians are considered to be the best mind for R&D in the world and CII should make efforts to do R&D in India for the same. Industry should also back up startups as there is a kind of relationship between industry and startups, the home minister said. He also suggested to CII that nothing in the production chain from raw materials to finished goods should be made outside India.

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