Monday Special: This Veg Atta Cheela Helps You Cook In 10 Minutes

It’s Monday again, which means it’s time to start a busy week ahead. After a relaxing weekend, Monday can often be overwhelming. There’s a lot to do on the first day of the week, getting into work-mode, planning a weekly schedule, and more. In between, planning and preparing breakfast often takes a back seat. But this should not happen. Skipping breakfast is considered unhealthy. In fact, it is important to load up on nutritious food to keep our energy levels up. But who said you need hours to prepare a healthy platter? All you need is some research and creativity, and you have a pool of recipes to whip up for breakfast. In India, there is no dearth of such amazing dishes – Hearty Chilla is one such option. All you need is 10 minutes (if not more) to prepare this filling and no-fuss dish.

Read also: Quick Breakfast: 5 Cheela Recipes You Can Make In 5 Minutes

Is cheela good for breakfast?

Whenever we talk about Indian breakfast options, Cheela is one of the first dishes that come to our mind. It is easy, simple and requires few ingredients to prepare. Traditionally, cheela is made from gram flour, which is enriched with many health beneficial properties. Gram flour is rich in protein, vitamin A, K, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and has a low glycemic index. It also makes a gluten-free option for everyone. Gram flour is known to be great for weight loss, helps manage diabetes and other things. Rupali Dutta, consultant nutritionist, says, “Besan is loaded with health beneficial properties. Hence, cheela made with besan helps to give you a protein-rich start to the day.”

Veg Atta Cheela for a quick and healthy breakfast:

If you search, you will find different versions of a humble cheela recipe. We experiment with ingredients only to prepare a meal that is wholesome and healthy. Here we bring a recipe that combines the goodness of flour and vegetables. While flour fills you up with a good amount of protein and fiber, vegetables add essential minerals and vitamins to your meal. These factors make Veg Atta Cheela a great option to include in your healthy diet.

Read also: How To Make Aloo Chilla: A Quick, Easy And Tasty Breakfast, Which Is Ready In 15 Minutes

How To Make Veg Atta Cheela For Breakfast:

Ingredients for Veg Flour Chilla,

To make the dish, we need flour, salt, curd, carom seeds, ginger, capsicum, carrots, beans, onions, green chillies, freshly chopped coriander leaves and a pinch of turmeric.

Method for making Veg Flour Chilla:

First of all, take a cup of flour in a bowl, add salt, turmeric, curd and mix it well. Then add water to it and mix it well to make a smooth batter. Add carom seeds, ginger, green chillies and all the vegetables to it and mix well.

Heat a griddle, grease it with a little oil and pour a ladleful of cheela batter and spread it. Cook well from both the sides and serve with chutney or ketchup of your choice. Click Here for detailed recipe.

Try it today and let us know how you like it. Click for more breakfast cheela recipes Here.

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