Monkeypox: England detects four more cases of monkeypox infection – Times of India

London: BritainHealth officials of the state are investigating four more cases of rare viral monkeypox infection has been diagnosed England Taking the total number of confirmed cases since May 6 to 7.
UK health protection agency ,UKHSA) said investigations were underway to establish links between the latest four cases that appear to be infected London And his relation to the other three cases is not known.
The agency said the latest four cases have no connection with travel to a country where monkeypox is endemic and where and how they got infected is being investigated.
Monkeypox is a rare viral infection similar to human smallpox, which was eradicated in 1980. Although monkeypox is much milder than smallpox, most infected people recover within a few weeks, it can be fatal in rare cases.
The UKHSA said all four new cases self-identify as gay, bisexual or other men who have had sex with men. He said he has the West African group of virus, which is milder than the Central African.
“This is rare and unusual,” said the UKHSA’s chief medical officer. Susan Hopkins in the statement.
“UKHSA is rapidly investigating the source of these infections as evidence suggests community transmission of monkeypox virus may occur, which is spread through close contact.”
She said the agency is urging gay and bisexual men to be aware of any unusual rashes or sores and to contact sexual health service without delay.