Monkeypox spreading through “possible sexual transmission”: 5 points

Monkeypox often begins with flu-like symptoms (File)

New Delhi:
Health officials in North America and Europe have detected dozens of suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox since early May, possibly spreading through sexual transmission.

  1. Canada said today that it was investigating more than a dozen suspected cases of monkeypox, as Spain and Portugal detected more than 40 probable and verified cases. Britain has confirmed nine cases since May 6, while the United States reported its first confirmed cases yesterday.

  2. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many of the reported cases “are occurring within sexual networks”. The UK’s Health Protection Agency also highlighted that recent cases were mainly among men who identified themselves as gay, bisexual or men who had sex with men.

  3. The World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this week that it was coordinating with UK and European health authorities on new outbreaks, and was also investigating whether many of the reported cases were gay and women. He was among those who identified as bisexual. “We are seeing transmission among men who have sex with men,” said WHO Assistant Director-General Dr Souss Fall.

  4. The disease, from which most people recover within several weeks and is fatal only in rare cases, has infected thousands of people in parts of central and western Africa in recent years, but is rare in Europe and North Africa. Is.

  5. Monkeypox often begins with flu-like symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes before causing a chickenpox-like rash on the face and body.