Monsoon Health Tips: 5 Monsoon Foods to Cleanse Liver Naturally

Monsoon has arrived and so is the time to enjoy the rains, nipple season and fried foods. Let us agree, our craving for bhajiyas, pakodas, samosas etc. is highest during this time of the year; And later we set up roadside stalls to sell these delicious fried items. While we cannot deny the wonderful flavors of these foods; But unfortunately, it often leads to many health problems, most of which are seasonal and water-borne. Hence, health experts suggest us to take special care of our stomach and liver to keep us nourished and immune from within.

Consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta suggests, “One of the major organs in our body, the liver plays a major role in fat digestion, assimilation and production. It is also considered the most important organ to remove harmful toxins from our body. The liver helps to store energy in the form of glycogen, which our body uses when food or nutrients are not available. Overall, we can say that the liver helps to promote protein production, iron Stores and boosts our immune health. These help protect and protect us from many seasonal health issues.”

wonder how to keep yours liver healthy, Experts say that food plays a major role here. It is always advisable to make changes in your daily diet and include seasonal foods, which are packed with many essential nutrients to prevent seasonal diseases. Keeping this in mind, we bring you a list of monsoon foods that can be considered in your diet to naturally cleanse the liver and promote an overall Health, to keep track.

Read also: 6 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat Raw!

Liver Health: 5 monsoon foods that you can include in your daily diet:


According to various studies, berries are loaded with phytochemicals that are believed to be therapeutic against haptic inflammation and oxidative stress. regular consumption of Jamun Hence has proved to be wonderful against various liver injuries.


Berry They are full of polyphenols that are known to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Apart from this, it also contains soluble fiber which further helps in reducing the cholesterol level in the liver and absorbs the bile produced from cholesterol.


This read pearl fruit is a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. antioxidants in Pomegranate And its kryptonite helps destroy free radicals and detox us completely. You can use pomegranate (known as pomegranate) or its juice or fruit to garnish salads, chaats and more. The fruit is not only delicious, but is basically healthy.

Bitter gourd:

bitter gourd (or bitter gourd) is considered very good for curing many liver problems. A study published in the International Journal of Vitamins and Nutrition found that a compound Momordica charantia helps protect against liver problems by strengthening the antioxidant activities of enzymes found in our liver. It is also known to promote the functioning of the bladder.

Pointed gourd:

Pointed gourd Or gourd is a seasonal vegetable that has high fiber content which helps in boosting the metabolism. It is also said to be good for the liver, as many studies have proved parwal to be a great vegetable for treating jaundice. It contains ample amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help in improving the overall functionality of the liver.

Now that you have got the list, we suggest adding more and more seasonal foods to your diet and enjoy a happy and healthy monsoon. But remember, moderation is the key. And of course, it is always better to seek expert advice before making any changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Happy Monsoon to all!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.