More than 91% of professionals interested in companies offering WFH indefinitely: Survey

A survey by BridgeLabs shows that 91.47 percent of working professionals are interested in joining a company that offers remote work indefinitely. The survey said that around 48.81 per cent of the respondents prefer to work remotely, while 27.78 per cent prefer the hybrid model.

More than 1000 men and women took part in the survey, of whom 49.60 percent are working remotely from Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities. At least 51.59 per cent of the respondents believed that working remotely did not change their productivity levels. A total of 31.13 percent of participants used remote working to learn and develop new skills in new courses, while 23.41 percent felt that working remotely increased work efficiency. More than 70 percent of people feel that they get better job opportunities for working remotely.

Talking about the survey findings, Narayan Mahadevan, Founder, BridgeLabz said, “It is interesting that when companies are planning to open offices in full force, most of them prefer professionals or are looking for remote work. This indicates that companies should consider working model preference when preparing job offers. Given the competition in the market for talent, companies face an uphill battle.”

Read also| Pandemic-driven WFH reduction in number of women leaving IT sector: Survey

On the other hand, in another survey, more than 50 percent professional They said they are looking forward to changing their jobs in the next three months. In a survey titled Apna Bharat Back to Work, it said that four out of five professionals would like to remain in the same job profile. Most of the respondents are sure about their preferred place or city to work.

The study also revealed that on an average, candidates apply for at least five new jobs in a month. More than 50 percent are active job searchers on the job platform, 22 percent of the respondents are looking for jobs all the time while 30 percent search once in every alternate month.

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