Mother’s Day 2023: Every mother can adopt these 5 simple exercises for better health

Taking the time to focus on your fitness will instill a good habit in your child as well. (Image: shutterstock)

With a little determination and effort, exercise can become a source of joy and fulfillment for moms.

Mothers are pillars of strength and symbols of selflessness, but taking care of everyone around them often leaves them with little time for themselves. However, making time to exercise can be a game-changer for both their physical and mental health. It can be a form of self-care, a time to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with yourself. Exercise can increase energy levels, improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, and even prevent the onset of many health conditions. According to many studies, it has been observed that mothers who make their fitness a priority are able to set a certain amount of positive example in their children and also inculcate healthy habits in them.

Here are some very simple exercises that every mother can do every day-

  1. walk:
    The simple act of walking can be very beneficial for both body and mind, making it an ideal exercise for busy moms who may not have the time or energy for a more intense workout routine. A brisk walk through a park or neighborhood can invigorate the senses and increase energy levels, as well as improve cardiovascular health and certainly promote weight loss. The rhythmic motion of walking is said to have a very calming effect on the mind, reducing chronic stress and anxiety and increasing mental clarity.
  2. Yoga:
    With its gentle yet effective movements, yoga is a calming way to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul. Whether you’re trying to increase your flexibility, find your inner peace, or simply unwind after a busy day, practicing yoga regularly can help you achieve these goals. By synchronizing your breath with each pose, you will feel an inner sense of harmony and balance that will pervade every aspect of your life. And with its low-impact nature, yoga is an ideal exercise for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. So why not take a step toward a healthier, more peaceful you by rolling off your mat with the transformative power of yoga?
  3. dance:
    With a rhythm that flows through your body and a beat that resonates in your soul, dance is an enjoyable and uplifting form of exercise. Whether it is swaying to the music or tapping to the beats, dance can help you let go of your worries and release any pent-up tension. Getting your body in sync with the music can help boost your energy levels, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and rejuvenated. With every move and every twist, dance can help you tap into your inner happiness and leave you with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
  4. cycling:
    Dr. Vishesh Kasliwal (MBBS) and Founder & CEO of Mediseva said “Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and boost energy levels. A leisurely bike ride can be a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine while improving your mood.”
  5. strength training:
    Talking about the fitness factor, the doctor said, “Strength training exercises, such as push-ups, squats and lunges, can help build muscle and improve overall fitness. Strength training releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel- May help boost energy levels and improve mood by increasing the release of feel-good chemicals.”