MP elections: ‘Dhartipak’ struck again in the meeting 17 times in the election

The city’s manager, who lost the election 17 times, is on campus for the 18th time. (photo photo)


Not once or twice in different parts of the state (Madhya Pradesh), but 17 times in the middle of the middle of Batter (Indo Bhartre) 62 VAT alternate city elections (municipal elections). To get pregnant the condition of being pregnant to get pregnant was chosen by the family.

this also further

In the case of permanent incumbent being permanently permanent the person is appointed to do so. It may be so to connect with being connected in these media.’ I am a member total 17 times to sit with the mayor and become a member.

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62 is in dangerous condition. Tolani said that he has a family tradition. For which he is in the fray this time too. Tolani said that my father Metharam Tolani had contested different elections continuously for 30 years in his lifetime. After the disaster in the year 1988, bad weather started. This time when he had joined his wife for the first time, he had placed her in the position.

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