Mumbai: Engineer shifts gear, hopes to become a doctor at the age of 35 Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: Twenty nine year old Aakriti Goel completed her engineering BITS Pilani in 2015 and worked in several projects and start-ups until she landed what she believed was her dream. After two years of working for more than 14 hours a day at this healthcare start-up, Goyal fell ill. Due to extreme stress, she suffered a hormonal imbalance, forcing her to quit her job soon after the outbreak of the pandemic.
a year later Health Episode, Goel has bounced back the 2.0 version of his career. She studied for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) and secured a remarkable all-India rank of 1118 – a feat that seems unbelievable to many, including her parents. an officer of the medical directorate Education And Research claimed that in the rank list of the state, which is yet to be released, she could easily be in the top 100.
Goyal is all set to join a premier government institute and make a career in medicine. she’ll probably be the one in the end doctor A surgeon at 35 and around 40, but as soon as it comes she takes life and isn’t worried about her future just yet.
“Age should not be a barrier to achieve anything in life. We believe more in the stereotype that ‘what has been done is done’ and ‘we cannot start our career again’. Or ‘we are too old’. Or ‘If you’re a woman, it’s even harder’. This is not true. People can still find and pursue what they love even at the age of 30, 40 or 50. It is never too late to find the purpose of your life,” said the Thane resident.
Goyal never liked working in a multinational company. She wanted to join small firms and make a significant difference. “I’m not a 9 to 5 person,” she says. She left her campus placement in 2015 and started looking for unconventional roles in start-ups. After working in some of them, she decided to do some experiments on her own. With little success, she looked for an operations job at another start-up in 2018 and rose to the top in no time.
“It was very hectic, but I learned a lot. Working 14-15 hours a day eventually took a toll on my health and I decided to quit in March last year,” said Goyal. She stayed home for a few months. But rested, did yoga, painted and slowly came back.Once she recovered completely, ‘What next?’ The question bothered him.
She could easily go back to her high-paying job, but she realized that was not her calling. “Though I learned a lot at that firm, it never gave me complete satisfaction,” she said. Goyal was always interested in women empowerment issues and wanted to start something on his own like an NGO. But the lockdown imposed by the pandemic put a spoke in his wheel. She then decided to contact an old friend, a life coach, who asked her to do the Ikigai exercise, a Japanese concept, to figure out her life’s purpose. The second time he did this, he felt that the medicine was where his heart was.
“I wanted to become a doctor as a child. I was good at biology in school. But when it came time to choose between the two, I didn’t want to miss my chance to be called a woman engineer. I don’t regret that decision either. In fact, having a Engineer For more than 10 years, now I know how passionately I want to be a doctor,” she said.
It was easier than ever to go back to studies. He studied physics and chemistry in engineering, but lost touch with biology. She used to spend 10-12 hours every day in the final year and joined a coaching class. “Initially it was tough. I didn’t have any friends to discuss and classes were also online. But eventually, I managed. I gave more than 100 mock tests. Initially, I was getting around 590, but In the end, I crossed the 700 mark,” she said. Goyal scored 676 out of 720 in NEET 2021.
Her parents were initially surprised but later were very supportive. She is hoping to get admission in one of the peripheral AIIMS or a government college in Mumbai. He doesn’t mind joining a group of youngsters in pursuit of MBBS. “I will never get old in his company. They will have fresh energy and vibrancy and I am sure I will be able to absorb and use it,” she said. She says, “I am in it for the next 12 years including my PG and super specialty. I am ready to work hard to become something worthwhile.
