Mushrooms can help you look younger: Study

Last Update: January 15, 2023, 08:22 IST

Mushroom species such as chanterelles and white buttons are already making their way into some beauty products. (Credits: AFP)

Mushrooms are among the highest single sources of the antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione, which have been linked to anti-aging properties.

Aging is a natural process. With every passing minute, our cells start ageing, but with the right diet, you can at least slow down the process. Skin is a perfect mirror of your nutritional intake. It shines when you have adequate intake of vital nutrients, antioxidants and water.

As we age, the foods we eat can have a significant impact on our skin. Therefore, it becomes important to note that including specific foods rich in proteins, antioxidants and healthy fats in the diet can help us look and feel younger. A study titled Mushrooms: A rich source of antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione showed that consuming mushrooms regularly can help fight aging problems.

According to research conducted by Robert Beilman, a professor of food science at Pennsylvania State University, mushrooms are among the highest single sources of the antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione, which have been linked to anti-aging properties.

Studies have suggested that porcini mushrooms are among the best for anti-aging resources. Some other varieties, Reishi and Chaga mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and help fight dry and dehydrated skin, signs of aging, redness and external aggressions on the skin. Prized for their nourishing, moisturizing and soothing properties, mushrooms can be used to treat hair and skin that are dehydrated or suffering from the effects of inclement weather.

  1. Reishi and Chaga Mushrooms
    Some other varieties, like Reishi and Chaga mushrooms, are rich in antioxidants and help fight dry and dehydrated skin, signs of skin aging, redness, and external aggressions on the skin.
  2. Chanterelles and Button Mushrooms
    Mushroom species such as chanterelles and white buttons are already making their way into some beauty products. Rich in vitamins and potassium, chanterelle mushrooms have become essential components of many hair care products. These key elements present in mushrooms also repair, nourish and protect your skin. It has properties that are high in vitamins and minerals, so it helps nourish your skin. The common white mushroom, also known as the button mushroom, is used as a pizza topping and in other food dishes.

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