Muslim pilgrims pray at Mount Arafat as Hajj reaches the top – Times of India

Muslim pilgrims pray on top of a rocky hill known as the Mountain of Mercy, on the Plain of Arafat, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia: Hundreds of Thousands Muslim pilgrims raised hands to heaven from all over the world and prayed for repentance on the holy hill mount arafat Friday in Saudi Arabia, an intense worship day considered the climax of the annual Hajj.
stood side by side, foot to foot for an emotional day of prayer in the desert valley where Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad He gave his last sermon calling for equality and unity among Muslims.
The experience brought many pilgrims to tears. Muslims believe that praying on this day at Mount Arafat, about 20 kilometers (12 mi) east of the holy city of Mecca, is their best chance for salvation and spiritual renewal. the pilgrims left arafat Before dawn, chanting as if they were trekking. They stay there till nightfall in deep contemplation and worship.
Men wore unstitched sheets of white cloth resembling shrouds, while women wore conservative attire and headscarves, with their faces uncovered.
It is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for all Muslims physically and financially able to perform Hajj, taking the faithful along the path decided by the Prophet. Muhammad About 1,400 years ago.
Strict pandemic limits have affected the event for the past two years, effectively canceling one of the world’s largest and most diverse gatherings and devastated many pious Muslims who have lost their lives to travel. I had waited. This year’s pilgrimage is the biggest since the virus outbreak, although the attendance of 1 million worshipers is less than half of the pre-pandemic influx.
All the pilgrims selected to perform Haj this year are below 65 years of age and have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Pilgrims spend five days completing a set of rituals involving the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail, or Abraham And Ishmael in the Bible, before him. The ritual began on Thursday with a round-the-clock round of the Kaaba in the center of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, which is faced by Muslims around the world during their daily prayers anywhere in the world.
Around sunset on Friday, pilgrims will march or settle in the rocky desert 9 kilometers (5.5 mi) west of Muzdalifa, where they will comb the area for pebbles to carry out the symbolic stonewalling of Satan. That rite will take place on Saturday in the small village of Mina, where Muslims believe Satan tried to talk Ibrahim into subjecting him to God’s will.
Pilgrims stone the devil to overcome temptation. This ritual is a notorious chokepoint for growing crowds. In 2016, thousands of pilgrims were crushed to death in a stampede. Saudi officials never offered a final death row.
In its most notable effort to improve access, the Saudis have built a high-speed rail link to ferry people between the holy sites. Pilgrims enter through special electronic gates. Thousands of police officers are deployed to protect the areas and control the crowd.
With so many people coming together from so many places, public health is a major concern. Saudi Arabia’s health ministry urged pilgrims to consider wearing masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, although the government last month lifted a mask mandate and other virus precautions.
The ministry advised pilgrims to drink water and be aware of signs of heat stroke in the desert, where temperatures can exceed 40 °C (105 °F).
Once the Hajj is over, men are expected to shave their heads, and women are expected to cut a lock of hair in a sign of renewal.
Around the world, Muslims will mark the end of the pilgrimage with Eid al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice. The holiday commemorates the wish of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail at the request of God. Muslims traditionally slaughter sheep and cattle, distributing the meat to the needy, friends and relatives.

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