Myanmar jails Japanese filmmaker for 10 years: Diplomatic sources – Times of India

Yangon: myanmarA diplomatic source told AFP on Thursday that the junta has jailed a Japanese filmmaker for 10 years for promoting dissent against the military and violating an electronic communications law.
toru kubota the court sentenced yangonOn Wednesday, a diplomat from Japan’s embassy in Myanmar said Kubota’s immigration law violation trial was “still ongoing”.
Kubota, 26, was detained along with two Myanmar nationals during an anti-government rally in Yangon in July.
He was initially charged under a law that criminalizes incentivizing dissent against the military and violating immigration charges.
The charge of dissent carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison and has been widely used in protests against the coup last year.
According to a profile on movie freeway, Kubota He has previously made documentaries on Myanmar’s Muslim Rohingya minority and “refugee and ethnic issues in Myanmar”.
Myanmar’s government has curtailed the freedom of the press, arrested journalists and photographers, as well as revoking broadcast licenses.