Mysterious “blue goo” in the Atlantic Ocean astonishes biologists

The creature was spotted during a deep sea expedition.

The deep depths of the ocean sometimes reveal incredible creatures that have hitherto been hidden from the world. There have been videos that show strange holes on the bottom of the ocean and giant squid that rarely wash up on shore. Now another such video has surprised marine scientists who are trying to identify the “blue goo” creature seen in it. The clip was captured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Okeanos Explorer crew during a recent expedition into the Atlantic.

“Have you heard about the latest #Okeanos mystery? Seen multiple times during St. Croix, this “blue #goo” animal stumped scientists, who thought it might be soft coral, sponges or tunicates (but Not a rock!) NOAA Ocean Explorer said on Twitter.

The creature in the video is denim blue in color and has lumpy features all over its body. At a glance, it looks more like a puddle than a ghost.

According to the video’s narrator, marine scientists have seen these creatures several times during the expedition, adding that it could be a soft coral, tunic or sponge. They are waiting to collect a sample or send a high resolution image to experts to accurately determine what it really is.

“Scientists think it may be a soft coral, sponge or tunic… but for the time being, it remains a mystery,” NOAA said on its website.

The Okanos Explorer has a mission to map the ocean floor and explore the Mid-Atlantic Range to study the geology and wildlife there. Using a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), scientists aim to shed some light on unexplored areas of the ocean.

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