Nachos, Tacos and More: The 5 Best Mexican Recipes to Whip Up a Delicious Weeknight Meal

We all want to travel the world someday! Drinking coffee from Paris, eating pizza from Italy, munching on tacos from Mexico – our travel bucket list runs with the desire to eat. While we cannot physically visit these countries, what can we do to bring these countries to us! wonder how? Through the food on our plate! By making different dishes at home, we can taste any country we want to visit. This weekend, why not let us enjoy a taste of Mexico by making Mexican dishes at home? Don’t worry, these authentic Mexican recipes can be whipped up quickly at home.

Read also: World Cuisine: 10 Best Recipes From Different Cuisines That Will Make You Travel the World

World Cuisine: The 5 Best Mexican Dishes to Try This Weekend

1. Tacos – Our Recommendation

Perhaps one of the most popular dishes in Mexican cuisine, almost every foodie knows what tacos are! These are beans, cheese, lettuce and protein-packed tortillas. Generally, there are two types of tacos, tacos with a hard shell and tacos with a soft shell.

Up for some Mexican food? Make Tacos at Home with These 5 Amazing Recipes

2. Guacamole

A favorite among avocado lovers, this condiment is served with almost every Mexican dish, how versatile and delicious it is! Guacamole is basically avocado mashed with lemon juice, salt, onion and tomato.

Click here for the Guacamole recipe.

3. Burritos

Burrito is a delicious Mexican wrap known for its signature appearance. It is often packed with rice, meats, vegetables, cheese, salsa and guacamole and wrapped in a tortilla. The burrito is specially wrapped in such a way that all the stuffing does not fall out of the burrito when we cut it.

Chicken Burrito Recipe: A Restaurant-Style Mexican Recipe You’ll Love Eating at Home

4. Salsa

Another hugely popular condiment within Mexican cuisine, salsa is a sweet and tangy dip often paired with nachos. This dip is so easy to make, just toss tomatoes, onions, garlic and lemon juice!

Dip in Salsa: 7 Lip-Smacking Salsa Recipes for Your Next House Party

5. Nachos

This classic snack goes beyond Mexican borders! These chips are often topped with cheese, tomato, onion, jalapeno, chicken and red kidney beans. While we can enjoy nachos in the form of chips, they taste so much better when topped with these ingredients and served with salsa and guacamole.

From Spanish Nachos to Country Nachos: 5 Delicious Nacho Recipes to Try

Turn your leftover bread into delicious, cheesy nachos with this easy recipe

Try these Mexican recipes this weekend and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments section!