NASA’s Rover Perseverance Celebrates With Some Race to Mars

NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance is celebrating the completion of its one-year stay on the Red Planet by learning to run on its rocky surface. The nearly 1,025-kilogram machine has achieved several milestones, including new distance records, Since its touch on the rocky surface a year ago on February 18, 2021. And now, it’s trying to gain the confidence and speed to take on the challenging tasks, which include collecting more rock samples in the coming weeks as it moves toward its new one. Science expeditions to a new destination not far from Jezero Crater, which contained a lake billions of years ago.

throughout the last year, Perseverance has so far collected six rock samples, served as the base station for the Ingenuity helicopter, and tested MOXIE, the first prototype oxygen generator on Mars. NASA said. A six-wheeled machine is collecting rock samples to send them back to Earth during future crewed missions to the Red Planet. Scientists will then be able to study the specimens, primarily looking for signs of ancient life. Mars planet,

These rock samples will provide insight into the formation of Jezero Crater, said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Statement, “Each one is carefully considered for its scientific value.”

perseverance recently Record To cover the greatest distance (245.76 m) in a Martian day, or sol, by any rover on the planet. This milestone was accomplished thanks to its self-driving function.

But robot living on the Red Planet hasn’t been without its share of challenges. Perseverance shut down its system in December, while moving the rock samples to its storage. However, NASA engineers were able to remove the obstruction from its abdomen and return the rover to normal functioning.

Persistence will now collect two more samples from the “chao” rock type (named with the Navajo word for “frog”) in the coming weeks. If samples of these rocks are returned to Earth, scientists think they can estimate the age of Ezero and the lake that once lived there.
