National level kho-kho player, 24, brutal, left to die on railway tracks in UP Meerut News – Times of India

BIJNOR: A 24-year-old Kho-Kho player from UP was found dead, his body dumped among a pile of cement railway sleepers less than 100 meters from his house in Bijnor on Friday afternoon.
His clothes were pulled down, his face was badly injured, a tooth was broken and there were strangulation marks on his neck when the body was found. Her family said that she was raped. An FIR has been registered on the basis of his complaint.

Basic Education Sports Officer Arvind Ahlawat said that the Dalit woman has represented two big states of North India in national level programs in the last five years.
“But my daughter wanted to help the family. So, instead of pursuing his sports career, he coached others. She was studying physical education at a university and worked as a sports teacher in a government school here. He lost his job in April due to the pandemic,” said his father, who works as a daily wage earner in a sugar mill. “On Friday, she went to a private school for a job interview.”
When she did not return for hours, the family got upset. “We started looking for her. Around 3 pm, a neighbor said that a girl – they thought she was unconscious – was found lying near the railway line among cement sleepers. We reached there and saw that it was my younger sister,” His sister said. The area was at a secluded place. Used syringes and empty plastic pouches were found near the body.
The family alleged that the police refused to register an FIR saying the area where the crime took place was not under their jurisdiction.
Instead, it was something Government Railway Police (GRP) had to be seen, he said. The nearest GRP station was at Najibabad, about 40 km away, where an FIR was finally registered after the intervention of local BSP leaders. The unidentified persons were booked under sections 302 (murder) and 376 (rape) of the IPC.
On Saturday, Bijnor SP Dharamveer Singh, however, said that the post-mortem report did not show any evidence of any crime other than murder.
“As per the postmortem report, strangulation has been ascertained as the cause of death. No other offense was committed against him, the report says… Four police teams have been formed to probe the matter,” he said.
The woman’s family said the postmortem report was “misleading”. Her sister said, “She was raped. There is no doubt about it. The condition of her body with disfigured clothes and injuries is evidence in itself. You can see the pictures of the state in which she was found.” And there must have been more than one person. She was a sportsperson. It’s not easy to dominate her.”
Sarvez Khan, SHO of the GRP station in Najibabad, said whether the rape charges would be dropped or not would depend on the investigation. “I haven’t seen the postmortem report yet,” he said.
Watch UP: National level female kho-kho player brutally strangled to death in Bijnor


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