Work From Home Will End Marriage: Harsh Goenka Shares Hilarious Tweet

The never ending covid-19 pandemic has changed the entire work culture as remote working has become a new phenomenon. Amidst this new rule, an email from a disappointed wife has gone viral on social media.

The woman’s desperate plea to allow her husband to work from office was shared by business tycoon Harsh Goenka on Twitter.

The wife wrote that her husband is fully vaccinated and will maintain the COVID-19 protocol at work.

She wanted her husband to return to the office because of the constant demand for coffee and food, leaving the workplace in a messy state and falling asleep during work calls.

Goenka shared the post, and asked followers, “Don’t know how to respond to him”.

Since then, the post has received over 8,400 tweets and over 862 retweets.

Several netizens reacted to the post describing the “sad state of affairs”.

One user wrote, “Extremely sad situation. And raising this as a joke and appreciating the non-contribution of men in household chores is disgusting. We really need to raise our men better”.

Another user wrote, “Men work 8-12 hours but women work round the clock. Men think that food is cooked, clothes are washed and pressed, children are fed, taught And bath is taken, parents are looked after, house is cleaned, dishes are washed, everything happens automatically. For working women it is a double shift.”

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