Navratri 2021: Make fast-friendly Dahi Bhalla in 20 minutes

During Navratri, we give up many of our routine food and drink items. Despite this, the sattvic diet that we follow during these nine days is chock full of all kinds of oh-so-delicious dishes. Whether you cook with singhara flour, timed rice, or even rajgira, there is no end to experimenting with all. So, to join the list of delicious and light sattvik food, today we bring you a new and delicious recipe of Kuttu Dahi Bhalla which is a must try! Dahi Bhalla is a popular street snack dish which is loved by most of us. It is fried Bhalla and filled with the goodness of curd, spices and chutney. But here we make regular bhallas from Kuttu to make it Navratri friendly!

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With Navratri coming to an end, this dish is perfect to mark the occasion and share something delicious with friends and family. Kuttu Dahi Bhalla has minimal ingredients and can be prepared in just 20 minutes. So, the next time you feel hungry or just want to surprise someone with a mouth-watering recipe, try this delicious fast-friendly Dahi Bhalla.

Navratri 2021: How To Make Kuttu Dahi Bhalla | Kuttu Dahi Bhalla Recipe:

To prepare this dish, first make a solution of buckwheat flour, potatoes, green chilies, fresh coriander and salt. After this, make small balls of the mixture and fry them in oil on low flame. After cooking, soak them in cold water and keep them aside. Whisk the curd and sugar together, gradually adding black pepper, roasted cumin and salt. Take out the buckwheat balls from the water and press them gently while draining the excess water. Place them in a plate or bowl and pour sweet curd on top. Serve chilled garnished with pomegranate seeds and fresh coriander.

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For the complete recipe of Kuttu Dahi Bhalla, Click here.

Make this delicious dish, and let us know how you liked it!


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