Navratri 2022: Get blessings by offering this special recipe on Maha Ashtami

Well, it is the end of another beautiful 9 days of Navratri, which is incomplete without Ashtami or Navami Tithi Puja. And when we talk about Ashtami or Navami Tithi Puja, it is incomplete without Kanya Puja, isn’t it?

The devotees of Goddess Durga observe a fast on the Ashtami or Navami Tithi of Navratri, according to Hindu beliefs. Havan and Kanya Puja are conducted on this day and young girls are invited to enjoy the delicacy (Halwa Puri) and seek their blessings by touching their feet.

If you too are going to do Kanya Puja and don’t know the fastest and most amazing recipe for it, then we are here to help you. Follow these steps and enjoy the full delicacy.

Ingredients for making pudding?

4 cups semolina

1 cup sugar

2 tsp cardamom powder

1 cup finely chopped nuts (cashew nuts, almonds and makhana)

10-12 raisins

5 tsp desi ghee

Ingredients for the Whole?

7 cups wheat flour

Refined or Ghee for frying

How to make Halwa:

To make halwa, first heat desi ghee in a pan.

Now add semolina to it and keep stirring it on low flame.

On the other hand, fry finely chopped cashews, almonds, makhana and other dry fruits.

When the semolina turns golden brown, add 2 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar to it.

Cook on low flame for 5-6 minutes.

If it dries up, keep adding water.

Add cardamom powder on top and stir.

You can also sprinkle some coconut powder or grated coconut.

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Steps to make:

To make poori, put all purpose flour in a big bowl.

Now slowly add water to it and knead a hard dough.

Cover the dough and keep it aside for 15 minutes.

When the dough is set, apply some ghee on the palm and make a dough of dough.

Press these balls flat.

Heat ghee or refined oil in a pan.

Fry the pooris in a hot oiled pan.

Place them on tissue paper to absorb excess ghee or oil.

Both these things are ready to be served!

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