Navratri 2023: Tips for pregnant women to stay healthy while fasting

Image Source : FREEPIK These are the tips for pregnant women to stay healthy while fasting.

Navratri 2023 is just around the corner and pregnant women everywhere are getting ready to observe the fasting. With its fervour, Navratri brings a host of religious customs and traditions that come with abstaining from food for long hours. For pregnant women, this could be a difficult time. It’s crucial to follow some guidelines while fasting during Navratri to ensure that your health and that of your baby don’t suffer. 

Here are some tips for pregnant women to stay healthy while fasting during Navratri 2023:

Prioritise your health: As a pregnant woman, it’s important to prioritise your health over following religious customs and traditions. Your health should always come first because whatever you eat or don’t eat affects you and your baby’s health. So, as much as you want to observe the fast, it’s essential that you don’t compromise on your nutrition.

Stay Hydrated: The most important thing during fasting is to stay hydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids like water, coconut water, juices etc. throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and energized. A good tip would be to keep a bottle of water handy so that you can sip on it throughout the day.

Eat sensibly: Even though you have to abstain from food, you can still consume light snacks like fruits, nuts and dry fruits in moderation. This will help in avoiding hunger pangs and also ensure that you get essential nutrients during the fast.

Eat something before you sleep: Make sure you eat something light like fruits or milk before going to bed in order to provide nourishment to your body at night. This is important because during the night, metabolism slows down and your body needs energy and nourishment for its functions.

Don’t forget supplements: If you are fasting, it is important that you take prenatal vitamins or other supplements prescribed by your doctor in order to get the essential nutrients for yourself and your baby’s development.

Don’t over-exert yourself: As a pregnant woman, it’s important that you don’t over-exert yourself by performing any rigorous activities while fasting. Avoid activities like household chores, walking long distances etc., as this can cause fatigue or dehydration leading to exhaustion or dizziness. 

Keep your stress levels in check: Stress is an important factor that affects your health as well as your baby’s health while you are pregnant so it’s important that you keep it in check during Navratri 2023. Make sure you take plenty of rest and engage in activities like yoga or meditation which can help in controlling stress levels.

Seek medical advice: If at any time during the fast, if you feel dizzy or weak or experience any kind of discomfort, make sure you seek medical advice immediately without any delay. 

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