NDTV’s predictions on Karnataka election results proved to be accurate

New Delhi:

Karnataka election 2023 results are out. Congress government is going to be formed in Karnataka. The BJP’s vote share has remained almost the same in the last election, but has dropped out of the post of president. The results of the Karnataka elections were largely predicted by the ‘Public Opinion’ survey of NDTV-Lokniti CSDS.

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In ‘Public Opinion’ aired on May 1 and 2, 2023, we showed how 67 percent of the poor who took part in the survey want the government to change, similarly 58 percent of the middle class, 52 percent of the middle class and the rich 49 percent of the class want that to change. The NDTV-Lokniti CSDS revealed that 61 per cent people in rural Karnataka are unhappy with the Basavaraj Bommai government, while 50 per cent in urban areas are not happy with the government.


in percent of all figures


It also came out in the survey that Congress leader Siddaramaiah is the first choice of CM for 40 per cent people, while only 22 per cent want Bommai.

The mood of the voters of Karnataka was also gauged from the question asked in our survey that what is the biggest election mail. Unemployment is the biggest, 28 percent said, while 25 percent said poverty was the biggest.

The Bommai Government of Karnataka and takes authority from the work of the Central Government. Only 27 per cent of the people in our survey said that they are fully engaged with the work of the state government. 36 percent of people were authorized by the Basavaraj government to some extent, and 13 percent said they were authorized to some extent and 19 percent of those surveyed were fully authorized by the state government. However, it was also revealed in the survey that 42 percent people are somewhat similar to the work of the central government and 24 percent people have full authority. In this way, 66 percent people are not unhappy with the work of the center.


Let us tell you that ‘Public Opinion’ is a special program of NDTV, in which we try to know public opinion on different issues. The first episode of this was, before the Karnataka elections, a survey was done to know the mood of the public… It is clear from the contact with the Karnataka elections that our survey was named.