Need for holistic approach towards education: Chief Minister told institutions

Pinarayi inaugurates the Connect Career to Campus campaign of Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission

Pinarayi inaugurates the Connect Career to Campus campaign of Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has urged higher education institutions to strengthen the traditional economic system with scientific innovations that can rejuvenate many ailing industries.

He also called upon the institutes to adopt a holistic approach in education which not only equips the students with the necessary knowledge to meet the immediate demands of the job market, but also imparts the skills that will shape the future of emerging markets. necessary to keep up with the trends.

He was speaking while formally launching the Connect Career to Campus (CCC) campaign led by the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM) here on Tuesday. The objective of the program is to create awareness on campuses about Industry 4.0 jobs and changes in the global job markets.

The Chief Minister expressed satisfaction over the recent achievements of the University of Kerala, including its re-accreditation with A++ NAAC grading, which is being said to be the result of efforts being made to overhaul the higher education institutions. However, he said there is a need for a change in the state’s approach to higher education so as to align itself with the emerging practices in the production sector. Campuses should be encouraged to generate ideas that mix scientific instruments with industrial practices.

“Traditional sectors including coir, cashew and handloom should adopt new practices including mechanization to stay ahead of the competition,” he said.

He also urged the institutions to mold the students as entrepreneurs and not as job seekers as they are being trained under the existing educational system. He also lamented the slow pace of revising the textbooks to teach the students the changing trends in the modern world. Shri Vijayan also launched the logo of KKEM on the occasion.

Local Self-Government and Excise Minister MV Govindan launched the Digital Workforce Management System (DWMS) Connect mobile application. Labor and General Education Minister V. Shivankutty released a skill list and launched various skill programmes. The function was presided over by Higher Education Minister R. Bindu did it.

Elaborating on the progress achieved by KKEM, K-DISC Executive Vice President KM Abraham said that the mission has targeted to provide employment to 20 lakh job candidates in the next five years. He said that the DWMS platform has recently been adjudged the best government application in the country in terms of productivity.

Principal Secretary (Higher Education) Ishita Roy and Director of Collegiate Education V. Vigneshwari also spoke.