Neeraj Chopra became the first Indian to become the Diamond League champion. athletics news

Neeraj Chopra won the Diamond League trophy on Thursday© AFP

Neeraj Chopra was on Friday crowned Diamond League 2022 champion as he won the final in Zurich with a best throw of 88.44m. Chopra became the first Indian to win the Diamond League final. The Diamond League Trophy combines their historic gold medals at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the Tokyo Olympics. Chopra managed to overcome a tough challenge from Tokyo 2020 silver medalist Jakob Wadlecz, who registered a best throw of 86.94m.

Germany’s Julian Weber finished third with a best throw of 83.73m.

Vadkejh took the lead with his first throw with an effort of 84.15m. Neeraj’s first throw was not valid and it was not the best start for the Indian ace.

Wadlecz then registered an 86m throw to increase his chances, but Neeraj took the lead in his second attempt, which came out victorious.

He threw 88m in his third attempt, while Wadlejch threw a foul in the round.

Wadlax improved his performance with a throw of 86.94m in his fourth attempt, while Neeraj threw 86.11m.


Neeraj threw 87m in his fifth attempt, meaning he had three throws that would have won him the final.

He finished with a throw of 83.60m, but his final effort was only a formality, India’s first Diamond League trophy had already been secured after all of his competitors finished the final round of throws without leaving him behind.

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