New liquor retail licenses for private sellers will be operational from November 17

The new licenses for retail sale of liquor by private vendors will come into effect from November 17. With this, the Delhi government will be out of the business of retailing liquor.

Quoting an order issued by the Excise Department on Friday, news agency PTI said, “The Government of NCT of Delhi has approved the new Excise Policy 2021-22, which is being implemented and new retail licenses are issued on November 17, 2021. are about to begin.” .

Under the Delhi government’s new excise policy, the city will have large liquor vends, allowing people to walk around and choose their preferred brand of liquor as new retail license holders start running business.

All government liquor shops as L-6/L-6FG/L-6FE will continue to operate after November 16 – one day before the scheduled date of commencement of business for new license granted as L-7Z – subject to payment of proportionate license fee, the order stated.

This will ensure that the supply of liquor is maintained in Delhi during the transition period.

The licenses were extended till September 30 by an order in June to ensure uninterrupted and uninterrupted supply of authorized liquor in Delhi.

Plus, all HCRs for serving alcohol on-premises (L-11, L-15, L-16, L-17, L-18, L-19, L-20, L-28, L-29) Licenses will be issued. Will be in circulation till 16 November. Similarly, all state-run country liquor having license as L-14 (beer licence) will continue to operate till November 16.

The order stated that all wholesale licenses- L-1/L-1F and L-2 (draft bearers) shall continue to operate till November 16.11.2021 subject to payment of license fee under Rule 34 of the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010. .

At present, the Delhi government runs about 60 per cent of the city’s 850 retail liquor shops through its agencies. Under the new excise policy, the government has selected private firms for retail sale of liquor in 20 zones out of a total of 32 zones, in which the entire city has been divided. A senior excise official told PTI that the financial bids for the remaining 12 sectors are expected to open next week.

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