New software to be introduced in Kerala’s school wiki

The ‘School Wiki’ portal set up to promote collaborative learning and connect over 15,000 schools in Kerala is set to receive a new software. Schools can now update their respective pages in the school wiki before March 15, which will be assessed for state and district level awards. An official statement said the portal contains details of the infrastructure of the schools besides their history, geographical data, alumni information.

School pages also include students’ artistic creations, documentation and forums, it said, adding that the school wiki now links over 15,000 schools and has 1.5 lakh articles and 40,000 users, making it India’s largest digital repository in the local language. goes.

Earlier, General Education Minister V Sivan Kutty had announced that the schools which update their pages in the school wiki in the best way would be awarded Rs 1.5 lakh, Rs 1 lakh and Rs 75,000 and Rs 25,000 respectively at the state level. , Rupee. 15,000 and 10,000 at the district level.

K Anwar said the 20-point criteria for evaluating the award, including accuracy of details in the information box, illustrations, navigation, school map, club etc., have been published on the website of Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE). went. Sadath, CEO, Kite. KITE has already provided training for teachers on the new visual editing system in 11,561 schools in the new portal.

The state government has issued an order detailing the proper updating of information in the school wiki portal including the details of the alumni. In addition, a school level editorial team in each institution has been authorized to oversee the information uploaded on the portal. As the material on the school wiki portal is published on a common public platform, the school authorities have been directed to ensure that there is no material with copyright issues, he said, adding that the educational authorities should inspect the school wiki pages. instructions have also been given. Regularly.

The school wiki includes creative work by students of State Kalotsavam since 2017, articles prepared by students during the COVID times, digital magazines from over 2000 schools, back to school reference photos and many more. Over the years, School Wiki has won over 10 recognitions globally and nationally, including the Stockholm Challenge Award in 2010 and the Digital Technology Excellence Award in 2020, the statement said.

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