New study finds lower blood sugar levels to ward off diabetes. details here

A new research has revealed the minimum blood sugar level needed to avoid health complications related to diabetes. It is well known that long-term blood sugar levels, known as HbA1c, can be used to accurately predict the risk of eye and kidney problems of a person with type 1 diabetes. Research says that this level should be less than 53 mmol. / mol (7%). Specifically, the study tracked people for more than 30 years after they were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and the results were published diabetes According to news agency ANI report good.

Controlling blood sugar levels lowers the risk of diabetes by:

Research states that people with diabetes can experience damage to the small blood vessels in various organs. Although the reasons for this are unclear, it has been known since the 1990s that it is well controlled. blood sugar Levels reduce the risk of complications. However, it is not clear what long-term glucose levels, HbA1c, should be in people with type 1 diabetes to protect them from serious damage to blood vessels in the eyes and kidneys.

Hans Arnquist, Professor Emeritus at Linköping University and study leader, said, “Our study accurately determines long-term sugar levels that can avoid complications. This knowledge can help to keep a person’s blood sugar levels under control,” said study author Hans Arnquist. can increase.”

The researchers in the current study, known as VISS (Vascular Diabetes Complications in Southeast Sweden), followed all children and adults under the age of 35 who developed type 1 diabetes during the period 1983–1987. who had received care at Southeast Healthcare. area of ​​Sweden. All 447 newly diagnosed individuals in the area were included in the study during this period. The researchers followed the patients’ HbA1c values, which reflect their average blood sugar levels over a long period of time. They have also monitored the development of eye and kidney damage in these patients for a period of 32 to 36 years after diagnosis. ANI report good.

The small blood vessels in the eyes are particularly vulnerable to damage in type 1 diabetes. Almost all patients experience small hemorrhages in the eye that do not affect their vision. In some cases, new blood vessels grow in the retina. The latter is known as ‘proliferative retinopathy’ and can lead to blindness. Another effect of diabetes is related to the area known as the ‘macula’ of the retina, where high focus vision is located. The damage here leads to blurred vision. The kidneys are not as sensitive to high blood sugar levels as the eyes, but important small blood vessels here can also be damaged. One consequence of such damage is the excretion of blood proteins in the urine.

Blood glucose levels in a healthy person are very closely controlled, with a maximum HbA1c level of 42 mmol/mol (6.0%). “The results of our study suggest that people with type 1 diabetes for at least 32 years should keep their average long-term sugar level below 53 mmol/mol (7.0%) if they want to completely avoid serious damage.” The risk of an eye—and kidney—complications increases as levels increase. Our findings relate to avoiding complications arising from blood vessel damage. But if a patient has problems with low blood sugar, hypoglycaemia, blood It’s not possible to control sugar levels—so strictly,” says Hans Arnqvist.

(with inputs from ANI)

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