New Taliban government will uphold Islamic rules and Sharia law: Akhundzada

Image Source: AP

Raising slogans, Taliban soldiers walk towards Afghans during an anti-Pakistan demonstration near the Pakistan embassy in Kabul.

Taliban religious leader Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada issued a statement hours after the announcement of Afghanistan’s new cabinet, saying the new cabinet would begin its work immediately.

“A caretaker and committed cabinet has been announced by the authorities of the Islamic Emirate to control and run the affairs of the country, which will start functioning as soon as possible, I assure all countrymen that the figures will uphold Islamic rules.” Will work hard towards keeping and Sharia law in the country, protecting the country’s supreme interests, securing Afghanistan’s borders and ensuring lasting peace, prosperity and development,” Akhundzada said.

The statement also said that the new government is committed to protecting human rights.

“The Islamic Emirate will take serious and effective steps to protect human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of disadvantaged groups within the framework of the demands of the holy religion of Islam,” the statement said.

Read also: Mullahs do not have PhD, Master’s degree; Yet the greatest: Afghanistan’s new education minister

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