New York breaks daily Covid record with 85,476 new cases

New York state broke its own record for new Covid-19 infections, according to Bloomberg, reporting 85,476 cases on Saturday as the Omicron version continues its mild spread.

That number compares to less than the daily average of 6,700 new cases on December 1, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg. The tally on Saturday was nearly 9,000 more than the day before.

New York City had the highest rate of infection ever, with an average of 419 cases per 100,000 people in seven days.

The hospitalization continued on Saturday as well, with 532 patients increasing to 8,451. The percentage of positive tests came down slightly to 22.24%. Another 88 people died.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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