New Zealand plans to impose lifetime ban on sale of cigarettes to stamp out smoking – Times of India

The New Zealand government plans to ban youth from buying cigarettes anytime in their lifetime in one of the world’s toughest crackdown on the tobacco industry, arguing that other efforts stop smoking was taking too long.
People under the age of 14 in 2027, when the law goes into effect, will never be allowed to legally buy cigarettes in the Pacific country of five million, while the nicotine levels in all cigarettes on sale will drop.
“We want to ensure that youth never start smoking, so we will make it a crime to sell or supply smokeless tobacco products to new groups of youth,” said the New Zealand associate minister. Health Ayesha Veral in a statement.
Government will consult with a Maori The health task force aims to make it a law by the end of 2022, before introducing the law to parliament in June next year in the coming months.
This would make New Zealand’s retail tobacco industry one of the most restricted in the world, just after Bhutan, where the sale of cigarettes is completely banned. New Zealand’s neighbor Australia was the first country in the world to make plain packaging of cigarettes mandatory in 2012.
Whereas existing measures such as plain packaging and levy on Cigarette sales had slowed tobacco consumption, the New Zealand government said, adding that the country is unlikely to achieve its target of less than 5% of the population smoking daily by 2025 without further steps.
