Newborn Baby Care Tips: 7 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You Have A Baby

A newborn is a term used to describe an infant who is in the first 28 days of life after birth. This is a critical period of development as the newborn adjusts to life outside the womb and learns to adapt to the world. During this time, the newborn baby goes through many physical changes, including changes in breathing, circulation, and digestion. The newborn also develops important abilities such as sucking, swallowing, and rooting reflexes, which help with feeding and bonding with caregivers.

Newborns require constant attention and care, including frequent feedings, diaper changes, and monitoring for signs of illness. They also need plenty of sleep and a safe environment to grow and develop. Caregivers can support a newborn’s development by providing skin-to-skin contact, talking and singing to them, and engaging in gentle movements such as rocking and swaying.

It is important to note that newborns can be vulnerable to certain health risks such as infections, jaundice and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Therefore, it is essential for caregivers to work closely with healthcare providers to ensure that the newborn receives proper medical care and monitoring during this critical period.

7 things you should not do with a newborn baby:

1. rock the baby: Even the slightest movement of a child can cause severe brain damage and even death. Avoid shaking the baby in frustration or playing rough.

2. smoke around babySecondhand smoke can increase the risk of respiratory infections, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other health problems in children. Keep the child away from smokers and make sure the environment they are in is smoke free.

3. overheat baby: Babies are unable to control their body temperature like adults. Overheating can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and other health problems. Avoid wrapping baby in too many layers, especially in hot weather.

4. put baby to sleep on their stomach: Putting a newborn to sleep on the stomach can increase the risk of SIDS. It is recommended to put the baby to sleep on the back on a hard, flat surface without any soft objects or loose bedding.

5. give the child water or other fluids: Newborns get all the hydration they need from breast milk or formula. Giving water or other fluids to a child can disrupt their electrolyte balance and cause damage.

6. leave the child alone with pets or younger siblings: While pets and siblings can be good companions for a child, it is important to closely monitor their interactions. Pets may inadvertently harm the baby, and younger siblings may not understand how to handle the baby gently.

7. delayed medical care: If you notice any signs of illness or unusual behavior in your child, do not delay in seeking medical care. Delaying medical care can lead to serious health problems or even death in some cases. It’s important to trust your instincts and seek medical attention as soon as possible.