Next year’s board exam may be final, says official. Guwahati News – Times of India

Guwahati: The Board of Secondary Education, Assam ,Saba), said that the state board examination of class X next year may be the last to be conducted in its present format before the implementation of the new education policy (NEP) from 2023 in true spirit.
Speaking to TOI, Seba Secretary Narnarayan Nath said, “In 2023, class X board exams will be conducted by SEBA. But we are not sure about the format in 2024.” He clearly said that the process of implementing the NEP by bringing in administrative and educational changes is on, but the system cannot be changed in haste.
“If there is any change in the class X board exam, it will be as per the requirements of the NEP,” Nath said.
A government official involved in the process of implementation of the NEP in the state said the Class X board exam is unlikely to be scrapped, but it will certainly be turned into a “low-stakes exam”. As per the NEP, the current 10+2 schooling system needs to be changed to 5+3+3+4, where the final bracket will cover classes IX to XII. Under such a change, Class XII boards will continue to hold the same importance as before, but Class X board exams may lose their “high-stakes status”.
However, the education minister of the state Ranoj Pegu Said that the question of scrapping the class X board does not arise. “NEP is not advocating for the abolition of the Class X examination, which we call the High School Leaving Certificate or the Matriculation Examination. It will continue to be conducted like previous years,” Pegu said.